Red Tiger June 2025
Tournament Entry
—— Entries Are Now Open ——
Welcome to the booking page for the March 2025 Red Tiger Karate Club Tournament!
After the success of our tournament last year we’ve decided to put on another! Whatever your grade, however long you’ve trained for, there is a category for you to compete in. The top 3 in each category will get a medal and EVERYONE gets a certificate to say they’ve competed.
We plan to have 4/5 tatamis (arenas) running so when you or your children are not competing, there will be something for you to watch.
Look below for the event type you want to compete in (Kata, Kumite, pairs kata and family Kata), find the category best suited to you or your pair. If your entering only one event (£12) select “Tournament Single Event” in the “Book Events” below. If you are entering more than one event. Select “Tournament Multi-Event” in the “Book Events” below.
By booking and paying, you agree that you, or your child, agree to abide and be bound by the rules listed in the “Rules” section below
Kearsley Academy, Springfield Road, Kearsley, Bolton. BL4 8HY.
Sunday 16th March 10:00am until 15:00pm although you will be given the times of your individual event type and categories closer to the time
Single Entry any Event type - £12 per person (Including pair)
Multi Entry any Event type - £20 per person (Including pair)
NOTE: “Tournament Multi Entry” applies to one person and another item will need to be purchased for additional people, except for the 2nd person when competing in a kata pair.
Individual Kata
Only Shotokan katas will be allowed.
Flag system
Students need a clean and ironed uniform with Club Badge sewn onto left chest.
Red and Blue Belts will be provided by the Club Organisers.
No other equipment necessary.
K1: White Belts Under 11
K2: White Belts 12 +
K3: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 5-8 years
K4: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 9-11 years
K5: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 12-16 years
K6: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 5-8 years
K7: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 9-11 years
K8: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 12-16 years
K9: Brown Belts, 2nd Kyu and 1st Kyu 8-11 years
K10: Brown Belts, 2nd Kyu and 1st Kyu 12-16 years
K11: Male Black Belts 10-13 years
K12: Male Black Belts 14-16 years
K13: Male Black Belts 17+
K14: Female Black Belts 10-13 years
K15: Female Black Belts 14-16 years
K16: Female Black Belts 17+
K17: Adults up to 4th Kyu (purple and White)
K18: Adults 3rd to 1st Kyu (All brown belts)
Individual Kumite
Students need mitts, pads and a gum shield
Groin Boxes and Chest Guards are not compulsory but recommended.
Red and Blue Belts will be provided by the Club Organisers.
All required equipment can be purchased from the shop here .
F1: White Belts Under 11 Pugel Stick Championship
F2: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 5-8 years Boys + Girls
F3: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 9-11 years Boys
F4: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 9-11 years Girls
F5: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 12-15 years Boys
F6: Orange, Red and Yellow Belts 12-15 years Girls
F7: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 5-8 years Boys + Girls
F8: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 9-11 years Boys
F9: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 9-11 years Girls
F10: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 12-15 years Boys
F11: Green, Purple and Purple & White belts 12-15 years Girls
F12: Brown Belts, 2nd Kyu and 1st Kyu 8-11 years Boys
F13: Brown Belts, 2nd Kyu and 1st Kyu 8-11 years Girls
F14: Brown Belts, 2nd Kyu and 1st Kyu 12-15 years Boys
F15: Brown Belts, 2nd Kyu and 1st Kyu 12-15 years Girls
F16: Open Grade 16-17 years Boys
F17: Open Grade 16-17 years Girls
F18: Male Black Belts 10-13 years
F19: Male Black Belts 14-15 years
F20: Female Black Belts 10-13 years
F21: Female Black Belts 14-15 years
F22: Adult Males up to Brown Belt
F23: Adult Males 2nd Kyu and above
F24: Adult Females Up to Brown Belt
F25: Adult Females 2nd Kyu and above
F26: Male Veterans 36 years+ - Look for Separate “Veteran” section on Multi-Event booking form
F27: Female Veterans 36 years+ - Look for Separate “Veteran” section on Multi-Event booking form
Family Kata
Only Shotokan katas will be allowed.
Flag system
Students need a clean and ironed uniform with Club Badge sewn onto left chest.
Red and Blue Belts will be provided by the Club Organisers.
No other equipment necessary
Family kata is open to a pair from the same family of any grade
P1: Pairs Kata for Family - All grades
NEW - Kickmaster
Non Contact whatsoever for those nervous about sparring
Beat up out Freestanding Bob with your legendary karate skills - great fun - the more spinning kicks and fancy moves the better and don’t forget to KIAI!
Students need a clean and ironed uniform with Club Badge sewn onto left chest.
Red and Blue Belts will be provided by the Club Organisers.
No other equipment necessary
Limited to 8 students per category so a high chance of winning!
KM1: Girls Age 5-8 years
KM2: Boys Age 5-8 years
KM3: Boys Age 9-11 years
KM4: Girls Age 9-11 years
KM5: Boys Age 12-15 years
KM6: Girls Age 12-15 years
KM7: Males Age 16+
KM8: Females Age 16+
Grades List
Below is the list of belts and grades. Use this list to translate between them.
White (10th Kyu)
Orange (9th Kyu)
Red (8th Kyu)
Yellow (7th Kyu)
Green (6th Kyu)
Purple (5th Kyu)
Purple with white stripe (4th Kyu)
Brown (3rd Kyu)
Brown with 1 white stripe (2nd Kyu)
Brown with 2 white stripes (1st Kyu)
Shodan (1st Dan)
Nidan (2nd Dan)
Sandan (3rd Dan)
Book Event Types
Tournament Booking
Please note
Any under-subscribed categories may be merged with another or cancelled, and any oversubscribed categories may be split without prior notice at the discretion of the event organiser. The organisers reserve the right to amend/alter any rules without prior notice.
All members must note the following
This competition is open to all RTK club members in compliance with the rules and regulations of World Karate Federation. Any students not in current membership to RTK/EKF are not permitted to enter. Valid licenses will need to be presented on the day and we will stamp that you have attended an event.
Individual kata rules
Categories 10th to 7th Kyu (White to Yellow)
Any kata may be performed and repeated, two competitors performing simultaneously. Final four to be judged on points for 1st 2nd and 3rd.
Categories 6th Kyu to 4st Kyu (Green to Purple + White)
Any kata may be performed, minimum of two katas must alternate each round, two competitors performing simultaneously. Final four to be judged on points for 1st 2nd and 3rd.
Categories 3rd kyu to 1st kyu and All Dan grades
Any kata may be performed, kata must be changed each round, two competitors performing on the tatami simultaneously. Final four to be judged on points for 1st 2nd and 3rd.
Family Kata rules
Any kata may be performed, you can repeat the same kata each round, kata will be performed one team on the tatami at a time.
Kumite rules
WKF Rules will be in effect on all areas with some possible amendments at the discretion of the Chief Referee Sensei Paul Wolstencroft, kumite competitors must compete within their own age categories. No repechage.
10-13 years
No contact to the face/head/neck with ANY techniques, up to 10cm scoring distance from the face/head. Win by getting 8 points clear, 1 minute 30 seconds duration.
14-15 years
WKF Rules, NO contact to the face/head/neck, up to 10cm scoring distance from the face/head. Light ‘skin touch’ with kicking techniques. Win by getting 8 points clear, 1 minute 30 seconds duration.
16-17 years
WKF Rules Light ‘skin touch’ to the face/head/neck with hands and kicking techniques. Win by getting 8 points clear, 1 minute 30 seconds duration.
18+ years
WKF Rules, win by getting 8 points clear, 2-minute duration, team 1 minute 30 seconds duration.
The organisers reserve the right to amend/alter these rules without prior notice.
WKF Rules
The rules of the World Karate Federation will be followed if not different from above
Essential equipment
Gum Shield Must be worn in all Kumite bouts & fit correctly
Hand Mitts Must be worn in all Kumite bouts,
WKF style (they don't have to have the WKF stamp on them), red or blue only.
White Elasticated Shin pads OR WKF style shin & removable foot, red or blue only
Karate Suit white only
All required equipment can be purchased from the shop here
Club to provide red & blue belts for both individual kata and kumite events
Groin Guard WKF approved guards MAY be worn.
Body Protector WKF style protector MAY be worn.
Long Hair Must be tied back. Hair Clips NO METAL hair clips may be worn in ANY events (This INCLUDES all Kata events!).
No t-shirts under uniforms except for female and it must be white.
The competitor realises and discharges the organisers and their representatives or agents and all other competitors from all claims that the competitor or his personal representative may have for any injury (however caused) sustained by the competitor and for the loss or damage (however caused) to his personal belongings suffered at any time during the Championships or while on the premises at which the Championships are being held.